As the Holy Spirit moved him along, Luke was very thorough, going back to the beginning, to a point in the Lord’s history when an angel appeared to an old priest to foretell the birth of the Lord’s forerunner. The angel’s incredible announcement was that old Zechariah’s old and barren wife would bear him a son, John, who would bring them much joy and delight, and be prominent, pure, and powerful in his prophetic ministry, as the one going before the Lord to prepare people for His coming. How did Zechariah and Elizabeth respond to this news? Well, in this message, we are going to see Zechariah’s inexcusable unbelief and Elizabeth’s intimate appreciation. ![]()
In going on to look at the rest of the angel’s message, we see that he had an incredible announcement for Zechariah and Elizabeth - an announcement that everything was about to change for them in the arrival of a new addition to their family - an addition that would not only literally forever change their life, but also the lives of many others. We will see their prayer answered in a son, and will look at his prominence, purity, and power, as well as his prophetic ministry. ![]()
Today we come to the second message covering the section on the foretelling of the birth of the Lord’s forerunner. As we continue to look into what God was doing in the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth, we come to look at a moment when God showed them that He was about to change everything for them. We look today at a providential and prayerful moment that included a fearful moment and a wonderful message. ![]()
We come to a section of Luke that we will cover in three messages. The section, verses five through twenty-five of chapter one, is about the foretelling of the birth of the Lord’s forerunner. For today’s message, we look at verses five through seven, where Luke introduces to us a husband and wife who God set up for something spectacular He wanted to do in their life. ![]()
In studying the written work of any author, it is always helpful to be able to get inside his head to see his motivation for his work. Luke lets us do that in the first four verses of his book. ![]()
JESUS CALLS LEVI & CONFRONTS LEGALISM, PART 3: FROM THE FADING OLD TO THE FOREVER NEW (LUKE 5:33-39)12/11/2017 The old time religion of the Pharisees was good enough for them. Their ways and rituals were such a good way of life to them, that they were not ready to even consider a new way of life. In confronting them, Jesus sets up a convicting contrast between the old and the new. With vivid illustrations, Jesus leads us to the critical difference between hanging onto the old that satisfies for now and having the new that saves forever. We look at their encounter under two headings: fast or feast, and from the fading old to the forever new. ![]()
JESUS CALLS LEVI & CONFRONTS LEGALISM, PART 2: WHY DID HE EAT WITH SINNERS? (LUKE 5:29-32)11/27/2017 As we go through this passage, we need to be prepared for a fresh dose of humility. Jesus challenges our social and spiritual sensibilities and boundaries. He challenges how we see ourselves and others in light of His call of us all to Himself. We are going through this passage under three points: the questionable crowd of Levi, the judgmental criticism of the Pharisees and scribes, and the merciful call of Jesus. We will look at the details of the story and then at what we are to take away from the story. ![]()
In the next few messages, we will look at Jesus' calling of Levi and confrontation of legalism. As we begin, please think carefully and honestly about what right Jesus has to your life - to you. What demands does Jesus have the right to make of you? What right does Jesus have to interrupt and re-direct your life? The way Jesus called Levi and the way Levi responded have direct bearing on the way Jesus calls us and the way we respond. We look at this under two points: Jesus' authoritative call and Levi's immediate response. ![]()
Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines being helpless as "marked by an inability to act or react" - in other words, absolutely unable to act or react for one's own benefit. Jesus healing the helpless paralytic is one of His most famous miracles. The heartwarming story has familiar elements: skepticism, friendship, faith, forgiveness, supernatural power, joy, and awe of God. However, within all of those elements, there is a high point of the miracle, and Jesus stated clearly what it is. What He said has direct and powerful bearing on our salvation - on our relationship with God - on what Jesus can and does do for sinners like us, in making us right with God, in our helplessness to do it for ourselves. ![]()
Jesus ministered in His sincere love for God and people, from His Divine and human heart. In studying the humanity of Jesus, we are studying humanity as it should be. Luke brings this into sharp focus for us. As we follow Jesus through these verses, seeing how His heart was turned to even one of the most destitute, despised people, and turned to God above all, let's think carefully about how our hearts should be turned in following Him through God's will for us. ![]()
“It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”
~Jesus Luke 5:31–32 LSB |