Nehemiah 1:10–11 10 They are Your servants and Your people. You redeemed them by Your great power and strong hand. 11 Please, Lord, let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and to that of Your servants who delight to revere Your name. We expect a state of reverence to be somber - hushed - a moment of stillness in which to pay homage, not to be disturbed. So, is it natural to also think of reverence as delightful - enjoyable?
According to Nehemiah, the people of God who pray to God with the justified, expectant hope that He will hear them are those that delight in revering His name. This is clearly inferred in Nehemiah's own prayer to God for God to listen attentively to the prayers of His people/servants who delight to revere His name. He is not expecting God to listen to the prayers of anyone who does not delight to revere [His] name. Think about it. Do you expect God to answer the prayer of the one that would say to Him, if being honest, "I revere You, but I'm not happy about it. Having said that, here is what I would like You to do for me." If you are sensing a lack of delight in your reverence for God, first, be honest with Him about it, and then think about His redemption of you, if you truly are His child - one of His own. By [His] great power and strong hand, He has redeemed you from, sin, Satan, death, and the grave. He has brought you over from death to life (John 5:24). He has rescued [you] from the domain of darkness and transferred [you] into the kingdom of the Son He loves. [You] have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, in Him. (Colossians 1:13–14) Now you can know Him for Who He mightily and magnificently is. Now you can see and love His glory, power, and wisdom. Now, as one that has been filled sealed by His Holy Spirit, you can ponder Him and sense reverence of Him and delight in Him rising up and merging together in your true worship of Him.
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