What is all this talk about being saved? Many people in the world and this country look at us Christians with some perplexity and wonder that. In being Jesus' witnesses, we are to be as clear about His message and offer of salvation as He is. Jesus’ statement on this in John 5:24 is one of the clearest, most straight-forward statements that Jesus ever made, and it needs to be always tacked up on the billboards of our minds to be used over and over in witnessing to our lost neighbors. Jesus shows us that salvation is more than a mere adjustment in how one lives, in order to qualify for heaven and get out of going to hell. I will show you this in two points I take from what Jesus says in John 5:24: the clear requirement for salvation and the clear reality of salvation.
Should we Christians get too wrapped up in making New Year’s resolutions? Well, making resolutions is certainly a biblical idea. A resolution is simply something you set your mind to do, without wavering on it, and all through the Bible we see the call to do this. As we look at the new year ahead of us, I want to pinpoint a place in Scripture where I see two resolutions worth making - resolutions we must make - resolutions for more than a trimmer waistline or a tighter budget - resolutions for the right kind of life. ![]()